Friday 22 March 2013

Cambridge ESOL Certificate of Advanced in English

HEY again.
Today's the first day of half term! We had an inset day today and therefore didn't have to go to school. I went anyway for an Envision meeting. 
So, I had my advanced exam last week. On Wednesday, I had my speaking and all the writing tests on Saturday.

Here's the plan:


   12:31 - 12:48

   09:15 - 10:30

  10:50 - 12:20    

  12:45 - 13:45
 Use of English

  14:30 - 15:10

The speaking was a bit more nerve-racking than the proficiency one. I was there half an hour early (as they tell you to) but then I had my test right away, as some people apparently didn't turn up on time. Therefore I couldn't get to know my partner better. I was with another Swiss girl, but she's from the French part of Switzerland. Almost all the girls I met this time were Swiss - one from Lucerne, one from Geneva, one from Berne and I was representing Zurich (although I'm not actually from there). What is it with Swiss people and doing certificates?!
The actual oral test wasn't much different to the proficiency. It was one minute shorter but we also had to introduce ourselves and then we were asked questions and then we were shown pictures to discuss. All the other girls were attending a language school to prepare for the test and had learnt fancy words and tried to use as many as possible ... I didn't :/. I don't know, they all said you don't get marked on what you say, but on how you say it. I'm not sure if that's true, but I wouldn't like that concept. The questions in the oral test aren't straightforward at all. One of the guys, Nick, at the proficiency, he was asked the question: "What do you think is better - being a leader or a follower?". That's just a bloody weird question! 
The writing bit was tiring as hell. It was SO much easier than the proficiency though. It was based on the exact same parts - reading, writing, use of English and listening - but most of them are longer than in the proficiency, and the use of English bit and the reading is separated. I had to rush a bit during the proficiency but the advanced was almost too easy and I had too much time.. I don't believe in jinxing anyway.

As half term just started, my post should start getting more interesting.. I've got some things planned;). But check out the Cambridge exams if you'd like to. 

Now that we're finished talking about tests, here's Ed! My host brother and I always talk about music. He knows so much more, but I just pretend to be cool :P. He wanted to see the 'Ed' of Switzerland, so I showed him DJ Bobo and Baschi (not going to show you those :P).
My host brother showed it to me, he's flippin' cool (Ed and my 'brother'). 
My now host family is amazing! I'm so happy here. My host mum and I are going to move to Florida though, we're sick of the weather here :).

have a lovely spring time! xx

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