Saturday, 3 November 2012

two months! (and two days)

Hey people:) Two months already since Thursday the first of November.. it's gone by really fast! I've met some exchange students who are leaving again soon, which I'm quite upset about. The ones only staying for half the year are also leaving so soon, time's passing too quickly!!

I finally received my camera charger and charged it, 
so here are some pictures of my bloody BEAUTIFUL neighbourhood:

that's the chocolate factory I was telling you about.. the Polish took over

Okay, my holiday:
The first few days I've just been trying to get my coursework all done.. but I didn't, so I'm doing my French right now:P.
On Sunday, the clocks went back one hour to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). So whoever told me England hasn't got summer time was wrong.
On Monday I went into town with some of the Hanham girls, which was a lot of fun. We went shopping at Cabot Circus and then they took me downtown and I saw the river, Avon, for the first time. I should really do a river cruise some time, looks lovely.
Oh, and they also took me to Greggs, which is a British bakery with dozens of English pasties:) quite liked it. In the evening I went to training. We practiced chocking each other and when my trainer asked me if I still didn't feel anything, I yelped 'Doch!' so I guess when my life depends on it, I'm still very much Swiss German:P. 
On Wednesday, I had planned to go to a Halloween party with my host mum and brother, but it got cancelled due to rain. On Thursday, it was my two month anniversary with England, so I went to London with three other exchange students:) I'm going to do a seperate blog post on it though.
I got home really late so slept through Friday mostly, but in the evening I went to the Cleeve fireworks. Bonfire night is on Monday the 5th of November, but we're starting school again next week, so we went on Friday. Three girls from school and I went to an old rugby club and out the back, there was a small carnival.. it actually wasn't small at all, in my opinion. It reminded me of the Wettinger Fäscht :P. It was freezing, I wore three layers of socks..
There was a booth at which you could win a goldfish.. my friend went home with four. 
(was trying to be sneaky..)

In the night, the fireworks were displayed over the rugby field. It was really lovely, although it was very muddy all over. I really need to get me some wellies!
I reckon you've all seen fireworks before, but I like those photos and they might get you in the right mood:)

I tried mint sauce this week as well. Wasn't too bad, just very strong and.. minty. I also had baked beans. I'm not a fan though. There's just something about the consistency which makes me sick. My host brother put ketchup on his mashed potatoes, which I thought that was a Dutch thing to do, but he told me he puts it on most things he eats.. but both my host mum and brother call it tomato sauce and not ketchup (here they say tomAto and not tom-ei-to, if you know what I mean..). My mum also asked me if I'd like to have spaghetti with my chips, which is a really strange combination for me:P. I still have to get used to the food, but I like it mostly. I do miss sushi from home though, weird thing to miss as a Swiss person I s'pose, but that's what my family is like :). I might go into London to eat some soon, but I haven't found anyone that likes it. Most people I know from school haven't even tried it yet, and are scared to try it. 
I had a talk with my host mum, because my host brother told her that I toast my toast for my sandwiches, which is strange, apparently. They don't have real bread in stores anywhere and I don't like the consistancy of the bread here. They just use toast for everything. When they use it as toast, for breakfast for example, they do toast it, but if they use it instead of bread, they don't, and then they don't call it toast, but bread. We debated about different consistencies for about an hour.

OK, food talk is over: I haven't been able to go to the Harry Potter studio tour, because it sold out very fast, but I'm definitely going before new year, but we did go to platform 9 3/4 on Thursday:D I'll write about it in the next post. 

Tomorrow, I might go on a trip with the steam train with a friend, but we may be going on a different weekend, because I haven't done all of my coursework yet and she's got some things to finish for uni..
but here's a quick picture of the train of the Avon Valley Railway:

I saw it snowed already in Wettingen.. really miss the snow:( we do get lots of hail though..
Have a lovely weekend and I'm going to write to you soon

oh, almost forgot: Mcfly's new single ;)

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