Saturday 3 November 2012

... but a so me understan' de misery o' de Englishman. LONDON

Heya. Found this on the tube:) fits perfectly:
Okay, so: I've been here for two months now, and to celebrate we went to London on the 1st of November. I initially wanted to go with a German exchange student. I told her about the Harry Potter thing and she wanted to go with me, but then she didn't have the money. Then she bought a coach ticket for Wednesday and told me to buy one as well, but they were sold out too quickly. In the end I went with three other exchange students on Thursday. One was from Belgium, one from Denmark and the other one from Switzerland as well. We bought tickets to go by coach at quarter to seven in the morning from the Bristol coach station. They all wanted to go by coach, because it's much cheaper (It cost about 20 quid and the train would be 40/41, but it only takes about 45 minutes to London Paddington Station, plus the train station is much closer to my house.)
Because there was no chance for me to get into the centre this early (neither by bus nor by train and no one in my host family drives), I had to get a taxi at 5.45 a.m.. It was fun, although I had to get up at five o'clock. I never had a taxi all to myself:). I think in the end I payed almost as much as a ticket for the train would have cost:P. I met up with my Belgian friend in front of Primark at quarter past six and we went to the coach station together (he didn't know where to go).

I was bored while waiting for him, 
so here are some pictures of the city at 6 in the morning;)

We met the other two at the station and boarded the coach. They said the journey would take three hours until we'd arrive at the Victoria Station in London, but it only took about two and a half. We arrived at quarter past nine and and straightly walked to the Big Ben.
The sky changed every two seconds!!
We crossed the bridge and walked past the London Eye and to the Millenium Bridge.
the Millenium bridge and the Swiss guy in front of it:P

crossing the Millenium bridge:
Danish guy on the left, Belgian guy on the right
don't know these people..
The weather was quite good, but it really did change all the time. It was gray one moment and the next it was beautiful. Always windy and quite chilly though. 
We bought some sandwiches and went down the underground to buy a day pass for the tube for seven quid. Then walked back to the London Eye. We bought ticket the day before on the internet and got ten percent off. I had to pay about 18 pounds. The bloke from Switzerland didn't join us; he hadn't bought a ticket.

then it started drizzling while we were in the queue to go on..
 some parts still were in the sun though

Oh, and I bought the red thing on my jacket in the tube. They're called poppies (like the flower). They're selling them at most train and underground stations around the country to try and raise money for the Armed Forces and their families.

Afterwards the London Eye we took the tube to King's Cross station to find platform 9 and 3/4 :P.
 We ran around the station trying to find the right platform. Constantin, the Belgian student, said, they did a little attraction for Harry Potter fans, so we were trying to find that. We only saw signs for platform 1 to 7 and 11 to 14, so we had to ask someone to help us find 9 and 3/4 :P.
There are two parts to the whole train station, so we had to get out of the station, cross a road and get into the station again.. which is strange. We snuck onto platform 9 (we used our tube tickets, but it still worked:P), but it wasn't there either. We went back and tried to get off the platform, but the machine wouldn't let us out without the correct ticket, so we had to explain our situation to a guard and he showed us the right way:) -->
platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross!!!!

There was half a trolley attached to the wall, which you could take a picture with, which I did:D. I'm going to upload it later, it's on my friend's camera still.

Then we took the tube to Leicester Square, which looked lovely. I'm definitely going back some time, because there was a sign about 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' which sounds brilliant!
I'm quite grateful my Belgian friend comes from Brussels, because he knew the underground quite well. Apparently they've got one in Brussels as well, didn't know much about Belgium nor Denmark before :/. The student from Denmark was quite good with maps, which was great, because I wouldn't have any idea how to get around otherwise. I'm not a big fan of the tube, there are strange things down there, which I don't need to see, but it was quite useful that day and we definitely got our money's worth.
At Leicester Square, we went into the M&M store, which was amazing. I've never been in one, but I'm certainly going again:D. 
Then we went to Bella Italia and ate pizza. I miss my sushi:( but that might be rather expensive in town..
Afterwards, we met up with our other friend again and we all walked to Piccadilly Circus. It was lovely as it was dark already.

We went back to the Victoria Station at eight o'clock and drove back. We arrived at five past eleven and I got home at midnight, because the bus liaisons to my new host family are rubbish, but it wasn't too bad. There are so many foxes around our house though! 

Okay, I think that's all, hopefully it wasn't a picture overload.
Have a lovely Sunday tomorrow

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