cheesy title, innit?:P I'm past the halfway point now..:( but I still don't know when I'll be flying back.
Hey guys! Sorry I took a small break. We had half term (holiday) last week and went back to school on Monday. A few of the exchange students have left now (the ones that did a 5-month stay), and one of my German girls left.. :(
I'm sure I'm going to see her again though.
She invited some of us to a goodbye meal... at ZA ZA BAZAAR!! Still absolutely love it!
my dessert :D (jelly beans, chocolate-covered marshmallow, some Indish sweet ball and sushi)
those ladies were there as well :) British.. what can you do?
Oh, and I went to Bath some more... It's actually about ten minutes closer to 'my' house than Bristol, but for everyone else (people from school) it's much further. The journey by bus is really beautiful though - loads of hills and really posh houses.
When I was there, I went to
shakeaway . My friend told me about it. It's flippin' amazing! I strongly recommend the custard flavour, however, my friend says Daim's the best. We'll go to the one in Bristol next week and I'll let you know about that one.
I looked it up online and saw they're expanding internationally - but in Pakistan.. :/. Nothing good ever comes to Switzerland - except for Bruno Mars! Autumn 2013!
We also went to
Swinky's - a sweets shop on Park Street in Bristol. We've exchanged our tennis-subway tradition for that now :).
I'll have Red Velvet Hot Chocolate and Rocky Road over sport anyday.
Rocky Road (dark chocolate with marshmallow and peanut butter chunks and so on..)
I'm telling you about my eating habits too much, aren't I...
The other exchange student from Hanham had a gig the other night. I couldn't take many pictures as I was filming it for his family, but here you go. Was brilliant. It was organised by 'Youth for Youth' in town.
There are ponies in Willsbridge now!! :D

I signed up for the Cambridge exams in March now. I couldn't decide if I should do the Advanced or the Proficiency, so I'm doing both now.. yaay:/. I think the Advanced is about 118 and the Proficiency 124 quid.. They're quite full on, but I unfortunately can't go to any of the preparation classes because of sixth form. I'll just try my best but it is rather scary. Let me know if you've done any of them before and have any tips. Would be lovely. I've got them on the 8th, 9th, 13th and 16th of March in the International House Bristol. Reading, listening, writing and oral.
Training has been amazing! I'm now in the men's class on Mondays and women's class on Wednesday. It's called
HitFit by the way, but I think it's just a very small club - very successful though. I go to the men's class regardless, I don't like such separations. There are some machos, but then I can always just kick them in the thigh ;). We did that the other week and today one of them said he couldn't get up from the toilet afterwards (as his legs were bruised), because of me :).
I've taken soo many photos of the sky in the morning while walking to school and don't want to waste them.. they are quite nice :). The weather isn't as awesome anymore. It's just freezing now and it even was snowing a bit this morning. But nothing long-lasting.
Ben Howard won 2 BRIT Awards this week, which is great! Quoting my host brother: ,,He is pretty fucking good!". I think I found a new method to swear in my posts without actually swearing :).
I got lost again the other day. I walked home with a girl I used to walk home with, back when I lived with my old family. She walked me to the borders of Willsbridge, however, it still took me about 50 minutes:P. It's such a small town, but everything looks exactly the same - red-bricked. I actually really like getting lost now though :) since I got lost all the time in the first few weeks, I know really random corners now, but that can be useful sometimes.
I'm going to the
Bristol Hippodrome this Sunday with a girl from school. We're going to see Oliver! which sounds brilliant. It better will be, we had to pay 37.50 each!! That's even rather expensive for Switzerland. There were tickets from 27.50 up to around 60 pounds, but those for 27 were absolute rubbish..
I've bought all the Inbetweeners series now - and the film. I really like it!!
Oh, and we're going to Paris during our next holiday. My friend's dad wants her to improve her French so he's paying for all of our Eurostar journeys :D I'm not sure it's going to help with our French, but I'm certainly not complaining..!
And the guy I used to help with French.. he dropped it now:P don't know what that says about my teaching skills^^.
Have a wonderful weekend!! x